Why Is Self-Love Important?

We have all heard the saying before, "Self-love is the best love. You must love yourself first before you can love anyone else." I know you may be tired of hearing this saying, but let me tell you why self-love is important from my perspective. Self-love is how you show others how to treat you at the bare minimum. It's a standard for what you will or will not allow. If you aren't treating yourself with the utmost respect, care, love, attentiveness, and kindness; then that means you are communicating to others that you allow yourself to be treated any type of way. Of course, you don't want to be treated like you don't matter and aren't important, no one does. As an overcoming people pleaser, I learned that I mattered too and It's not fair that everyone can get the best of me except for me. It's time to start showing up for yourself in a new way like never before. It's time to choose you first and discover new ways to love aspects of you that you've hidden from yourself and others. Purchase your self-love guide today and let the journey to loving thyself begin!
Why Is Self-Love Important?

What Will You Learn?

The intention for this self-love guide is to provide you with different tools that you can use on your self-love journey. These tools are meant to help you deepen your connection and love for self. Once you peel back the layers of what you were conditioned to believe about yourself, you find your truest and most authentic self waiting for your embrace.

  • How To Increase Your Self-Love & Feel Good Doing it

  • How To Go Within And Process Your Emotions

  • How To Reprogram Your Mind For Deeper Self-Love

  • How To Increase Your Understanding of Self

  • How To Build Your Self-Esteem

Jamesia Monroe

Jamesia Monroe is a Motivational Holistic Health Coach, Kemetic Yoga Teacher, Healer, and Advocate For Self-Love. Throughout Her Many Lessons On Relationships Of All Forms, Jamesia Discovered The True Meaning Of Love And The Reason Why It Must Come From Self, First.
Who Is Jamesia Monroe?

Ways You Will Transform

  • New You

    As we are ever-evolving on this journey we call life, we will begin to experience versions of ourselves that we never knew. It's time to ask yourself, who do you want to become next? That's right! You have the power to DECIDE who you want to be. Take the leap to change your inner world to reflect your outer world, today!

  • Journal

    The reason why so many of us struggle with starting our self-love journey is that we don't know where to begin. In order to begin your self-love journey, you must ask yourself the right questions so that you can begin to tend to the parts of yourself that need love and attention.

  • Meditate

    Often, we look outside of ourselves for answers to our problems. Life is a series of tests and it's great to learn and lean on others from time to time; however, it's just as important to begin to trust the whispers of your soul which is the best internal guide you will experience on your path.

Self-Love Guide Curriculum

    1. How To Navigate Your Self-Love Guide

    2. Self-Love Welcome

    3. Look Good! Feel Good!

    1. Self-Love Affirmations

    2. Guided Meditation

    3. 15-Minute Yoga Flow

    4. Journal Prompt - Day #1

    5. Self-Love Activity Of The Day

    6. Self-Love Sleep Meditation

    1. Self-Love Affirmations

    2. Guided Meditation

    3. 15-Minute Yoga Flow

    4. Journal Prompt - Day #2

    5. Self-Love Activity Of The Day

    6. Self-Love Sleep Meditation

    1. Self-Love Affirmations

    2. Guided Meditation

    3. 15-Minute Yoga Flow

    4. Journal Prompt - Day #3

    5. Self-Love Activity Of The Day

    6. Self-Love Sleep Meditation

    1. Self-Love Affirmations

    2. Guided Meditation

    3. 15-Minute Yoga Flow

    4. Journal Prompt - Day #4

    5. Self-Love Activity Of The Day

    6. Self-Love Sleep Meditation

    1. Self-Love Affirmations

    2. Guided Meditation

    3. 15-Minute Yoga Flow

    4. Journal Prompt - Day #5

    5. Self-Love Activity Of The Day

    6. Self-Love Sleep Meditation

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 38 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content