Who Is Jamesia Monroe?

Jamesia Monroe is the CEO of Kemunity Yoga, a Motivational Holistic Health Coach, and a certified Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) Yoga Teacher. Jamesia received her master's degree in Nutrition Education from American University in 2020 and is an expert at teaching others how to heal their mind, body, and spirit via yoga, understanding the energy centers in the body, and nutrition education. Towards the beginning of the pandemic, Jamesia completed a Juice Fast in 2020 where she experienced her greatest spiritual awakening and eliminated non-cancerous cysts from her ovaries; after dealing with long and heavy menstrual cycles that would last for 3-weeks at a time. Since then, Jamesia has been fasting every 3-months for the past 2 1/2 years. Jamesia's most rewarding accomplishment was completing a 62-day Master Juice Fast from October 31st to January 1st, 2022 of last year, where she experienced a profound and powerful transformation.

My Mission

Jamesia's Mission is to help Women of Color heal through healthy holistic practices. Juicing has been an integral part of Jamesia's life as it has allowed her to take control of what seemed like a never ending and painful experience, to a better quality of life. Due to Jamesia having her own experience of eliminating cysts from her ovaries, she's an advocate for womb health and showing her audience the different modalities that allowed her to heal herself. Jamesia believes if she can heal, then so can the women she's been called to serve.

Did You Know?

The Issue, Cause, & Solution

The Issue: Black Women Are Disproportionally Ranked Higher For Womb Health Related Issues Than Any Other Group Of Women. Black Women Are 3xs More Likely To Suffer From Fibroids Than Any Other Group Of Women, Endometriosis Is Among The Leading Causes Of Infertility In Black Women, And The Mortality Rate From Cervical Cancer is 77% Higher In Black Women Than Any Other Group Of Women. The Cause: Past Down Generational Trauma, Unprocessed/Suppressed Emotions, Sexual Trauma, Obesity, Stress, Diet, Lack Of Exercise, Lower Levels Of Vitamin D, Socioeconomic Inequality, And Other Social Determinants Of Health. We Live In A Society That Wants To Keep Us Unwell & Sick; Which Keeps From Being In Alignment With Our Divine Feminine Power & The Goddess That Lies Within. The Solution: Start Incorporating Fasting Into Your Lifestyle. Changing Your Lifestyle For The Better And Fasting Every Three Months Is A Great Way To Ensure A Better Quality Of Life And Good Health & Wellbeing.

I Will Teach You How To Detox, Cleanse, & Restore Your Womb In 21 Days

  • Juicing

    During a Juice Fast there is a process of elimination of the dead and dying cells and the new building of cells are accelerated and stimulated. The toxic waste products are eliminated from your body more than the normal metabolic rate and cell oxygenation is restored. Even though there is still nourishment being added to the body your body is using the same proteins and other nutrients over and over where they are needed. During a juice fast, the cleansing capacity of the reproductive system, organs, lungs, liver, kidneys, and skin is greatly increased, and masses of accumulated metabolism waste and toxins are greatly expelled.

  • Herbal Teas

    People all over the world have been drinking tea for thousands of centuries, and for good reason. There are several studies that have shown that a variety of teas may boost your immune system, fight off inflammation, and even ward off cancer and heart disease. While, there are millions of women who suffer from uterine fibroids, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, fertility issues, menopausal problems, hormonal concerns, and more; many are unaware of the medicinal powers of herbal teas. During this fast, you will learn about a variety of herbal teas that will aid in the healing and health of your womb. You will also consume herbal teas each day of the fast in order to experience the restoration of your womb in real time.

  • Alignment

    In order to experience true Health & Wellness, the mind, body, and spirit must be on one accord as you cannot have one without the other. Coming into alignment will require you to surrender to the process and allow yourself to be restored in the most purest and natural way. When you think of alignment, think of giving your mind, body, & spirit what it needs in order to experience optimal health. If you want to heal, become healthier, lose weight, glow from the inside out, feel lighter in your spirit, experience another level of peace, feel your best self, and connect with your Divine Feminine Energy, then this fast is for you. During this fast, you will DETOX, you will PURGE, you will RELEASE, you will HEAL, and you will ALIGN.

Past Students


Tjjani Bullock

I am now aware of how much energy I exert on a daily basis. I am glad that I have a better understanding of the chakras and how it impacts my life. This experience was definitely an eye opener for me and I am glad I went through it.


Cushena Hill

This fast brought awareness to the areas of my life that need to be examined more. It helped me get clear on the direction of my life and it was something I needed considering the new life changes that are happening for me at the moment.


Angela Cato

I think it's just more so the fruits and vegetables. Like, I didn't feel any brain fog, I feel so clear headed. I'm not going to cry about it, but I feel like a new person and it's only been a couple of weeks

Change Starts Now

If You're Ready To Take Your Power Back & Activate The Healer Within In Order To Restore Your Womb, Gain Mental Clarity, And Come Into Alignment With Self, Then This Fast Is For You!


How To Prepare For Your Fast. Use This Checklist To Help You Get Into The Right Mindset For Embarking On Your Fasting Journey.

  • Prepare Your Mind

  • Adjust Your Schedule

  • Prepare To Be At Home For The First 3 Days

  • Purchase Fasting Tools & Equipment

  • Create A Peaceful Environment For Fast

  • Go Grocery Shopping

Countdown Before The Womb Health Juice Fast

Spring Is Here And It's Time To Detox, Cleanse, And Reset.

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Pricing Options

Hey Sis! I want to make sure that you are able to experience this fast without money being an issue. With that said, I created two different payment options. You can either save 10% by paying for your Womb Health Juice Fast in full price or you can choose the Split Pay option and pay for your Juice Fast over the course of two months. The great news is, once you purchase your Womb Health Juice Fast Program, you will then have Lifetime access so that you can incorporate fasting into your lifestyle every 3 months. Choose your pricing option and get ready to Fast for your Womb Health Today!